Prevention Practitioner Training | GROUP SESSION


Dates and times: Training is provided over 3 days (4.5 hours/day)

Duration: 13.5 hours, including breaks
Type: 100% facilitated
Delivery method: Virtual (Zoom and Moodle)
Cost: $495 CAD + tax per person. $3,960 CAD + tax for a full session (8 people).

      Participants receive access to the course and hard copies of training materials after registration closes 2 weeks prior to the session start date.

      Course Description

      BETTER Prevention Practitioner training provides health care professionals with enhanced skills in prevention and screening of cancer and chronic disease, including their common lifestyle risk factors.

      Trainees will participate in hands-on learning, apply the BETTER tools to patient cases to determine their risk for cancer and chronic disease and identify the appropriate screening actions their “patients” are eligible for, role-play as Prevention Practitioners, and have an opportunity to discuss the BETTER Program and the Prevention Practitioner role’s fit within their setting.

      Trainees will be provided with hard copy training materials via mail prior to the session.


      Contact us to request a Prevention Practitioner training session for your team. A minimum of 6 participants are required. Each session is capped at 8 participants.

      Enrolment Fee

      The enrolment fee includes training time (13 hours of continuing education), mailing hard copies of training materials, and access to the Community of Practice upon successful completion of training. Access to the BETTER tools, electronic or otherwise, is not included in the enrolment fee.

      Refunds and Cancellation

      Please refer to our refund and cancellation policy.

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